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Curriculum Vitae
2014-present Project Manager – ARS NAUTICA Institute for Maritime Heritage (Pa?man – Croatia)
2013-2015 Member of Scientific Committee of Croatian Maritime Heritage Center Project – Minister of Culture (Biograd na Moru – Croatia)
2011-2013 Honorary Fellow – Center for Interdisciplinary Marine and Maritime Research, University of Zadar (Zadar, Croatia).
2005-2008 Co-director of International Group of Study of Italian Seafaring – Institute of Nautical Archaeology, Texas A&M University (College Station, United States).
2001-2005 Member of Scientific Committee of Michael of Rhode?s Project – Dibner Institute for the History of Science and Technology, MIT (Cambridge, Mass., United States).
2003-2005 Member of Scientific Committee of Progetto di Museo Nazionale di Archeologia, Storia ed Etnografia Navale nell?Arsenale di Venezia (Venice – Italy)
2000-2002 Member of Scientific Committee of Archaeological Excavation of San Marco in Boccalama Shipwrecks established by the Veneto’s Archaeology Superintendance (Venice, Italy)
1993-2001 Member and probo viro of Istituto Italiano di Archeologia e Etnologia Navale (Venice, Italy)
2020 Historical Consultant – National Geographic. Drain the Ocean: Venice’s Lost Empire.
2019 Historical Consultant – TBS Television (Japan). Sekkai Fushigi Hakken: Venezia.
2018 Lecturer – Course of Archeologia Subacquea e Navale, University of Udine (Udine, Italy).
2018 Promoter and Organizer – 1st International Workshop Hadriaticum: the Adriatic Area Facing Global Historical Challenges, 16-17 April 2018 (Dubrovnik, Croatia).
2018 Historical Consultant – Shipwreck Nin I Replica Project (Zadar, Croatia).
2016-present Historical Consultant – Archaeological Excavations of a 16th century Dubrovnik shipwreck (Santo Hieronimo) – Su?ura? (?ipan Island, Croatia).
2012-present Historical Consultant – Archaeological Excavations of a 16th century venetian
shipwreck (Gagliana grossa ex Lezza, Moceniga and Basadonna) – Gnali? (Biograd na Moru, Croatia).
2011 Scientific Coordinator – 3rd International Congress Ars Nautica, UNESCO ? University of Zadar – University Ca? Foscari, Venezia (Dubrovnik, Croatia).
2011-2012 Scientific Consultant – Forum of Adriatic and Ionian Cities (Ancona, Italy)
2010-2012 Cultural Project Manager – Fondazione Nazionale ABO (Chirignago, Italy).
2009 Lecturer – Course of Archeologia Subacquea. Istituto Internazionale Studi Liguri Centro Nino Lamboglia (Bordighera, Italy).
2009 Scientific Director – 2nd Arsenal Exhibition Mare Maggio: Uomini e Navi nel Rinascimento (Venice, Italy).
2009 Lecturer – Master in Archeologia e Storia Marittima e Tecniche della Ricerca Archeologica Subacquea, University Ca? Foscari, Venezia (Venice, Italy).
2008 Scientific Director – 1st Arsenal Exhibition Mare Maggio: Uomini e Navi nel Medioevo (Venice, Italy).
2007 Historical Consultant – Archaeological Excavation of a 17th century shipwreck (Salerno, Italy).
2006 Historical Consultant – Discovery Channels Europe & France 5: Venezia e la galea perduta: The lost ship of Venice.
2005 Historical Consultant – RAI Documentary (Ulisse): Venezia.
2003-2005 Visiting lecturer – Institute of Nautical Archaeology, Texas A&M University (College Station, USA).
2003 Historical Consultant – Archaeological Excavation of a 16th century shipwreck (fusta) – Garda Lake (Verona, Italy).
2002 Lecturer – Corso di formazione in metodologia e tecnica in archeologia navale, University Ca? Foscari, Venezia (Venice, Italy).
2001 Lecturer – Corso di archeologia e storia Navale, Centro Polivalente Culturale di Cattolica (Rimini, Italy).
1999 Lecturer – Corso di archeologia e storia Navale, Centro Polivalente Culturale di Cattolica (Rimini, Italy).
1997-2002 Historical Consultant – Archaeological Excavation of a 14th century shipwreck (light galley) – San Marco in Boccalama (Venice, Italy).
1990 Visiting Scholar – CNRS – Musée Nationale de la Marine (Paris, France)
1987-1989 Historical Consultant ? Catalogue of Museo delle Navi, CISMA, University of Bologna (Bologna, Italy).
2021 16th International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology (Zadar, Croatia). Bondioli M. – Nicolardi M. – Radi? Rossi I., Historical Written Sources of Shipbuilding and the Archaeological Study of a Mediterranean Post-Medieval Shipwreck: the Gagliana grossa case study. Nicolardi M. – Bondioli M. – Radi? Rossi I., The Contribution of Historical Sources in the Reconstruction of the Nin 1 Original Hull Form
2021 Economics Tuesday talks. Bondioli. M., Il lungo Medioevo dei proti. Le trasformazioni nel mondo del lavoro nell’Arsenale di Venezia. Organised by Department of Economics, Ca’ Foscari University – Venice.
2020 Lezioni della Storia. Bondioli, M. Che Iddio la salvi. Archeologia e commercio marittimo veneziano nel Rinascimento. Organized by Associazione Progetto Rialto – Venice
2019 Zagreb Archaeological Museum’s Public Lecture. Bondioli M. – Nicolardi M., Ships of the Serenissima. Venetian Merchant Fleet in the Renaissance.
2018 International Scholarly Symposium Emotions in International Relations. Organised by University of Zadar, Centre for the Study of Emotions in Cross-Cultural Exchange and the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Special Guest and Chairman.
2018 15th International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology (Marseille, France). Radi? Rossi I. – Bondioli M. – Nicolardi M., Building a Venetian Merchantman: the Case of Gagliana grossa (Venezia, 1567 ? Gnali?, 1583).
2018 Giornate di Studio Spazi veneziani e spazi mediterranei: legami tra Venezia e il mare in possibili itinerari di ricerca nell’Archivio di Stato di Venezia. Istituto Ellenico di Studi Bizantini e Postbizantini di Venezia. Bondioli M. Le debolezze del sistema produttivo dell’Arsenale di Venezia nel XVI secolo e il ricorso al contratto “sopra de sì”.
2018 1st Interdisciplinary International Conference on Cultural Heritage and Urban Restoration in Historic Mediterranean Port Towns, The Hidden Cultural Heritage Under Water, Under Ground and Within Buildings, 30 April – 3 May 2018 (Haifa-Acre, Israel). Bondioli M. (keynote), Naval Historical Archaeology of Mediterranean Ships in the Middle Age and Renaissance Times: Principles and Methodology of Study.
2018 1st International Workshop Hadriaticum: The Adriatic Area Facing Global Historical Challenges, Inter University Center Dubrovnik 16-17 April 2018 (Dubrovnik, Croatia). Bondioli M., Managing a Venetian Merchantman in Late 16th Century.
2018 International Congress Venezia e il suo Stato da Mar, Venice, 22-24 February 2018. Fozzati L. – Bondioli M., La galea di San Marco in Boccalama: riflessioni sul valore storico di una grande scoperta archeologica. Bondioli M., La galea imperatoris: il primato tecnologico dell’Arsenale di Venezia nella prima metà del XV secolo tra mito e realtà.
2017 International Conference on Underwater Archaeology, Poseidon’s Realm XXII: We’re all in the same boat – the social importance of ships, rafts and ferries (Koblenz, Germany). Nicolardi M. – Bondioli M., The role of Gagliana grossa in the historical interpretation of the Late Renaissance period.
2017 Summer School ? Workshop on Nautical Heritage of the Mediterranean (Dubrovnik, Croatia). Bondioli M. ? Nicolardi M., Digging in the Sea of Papers. Archival Sources and the Archaeological Research: the Gnali? Shipwreck Case Study.
2016 Scientific gathering Maritime Split from the Beginning of the XX Century (Split, Croatia). Radi? Rossi I. – Bondioli M. – Nicolardi M., ?lanovi obitelji Papali? i mleta?ke trgova?ke galije za Split krajem XVI. stolje?a (The Members of the Papali? Family and the Venetian Merchant Galley bound for Split at the End of the XVI Century).
2016 Seminar (Tkon, Croatia). Bondioli M., Nautical Archaeology from digging in the archives to digging in the field: the case study of the shipwrecks of S. Marco in Boccalama. Bondioli M., Fundamentals of the historical studies of the technological development of shipbuilding: the case study of the Venetian shipbuilding. Bondioli M., Traditional shipbuilders? design methods.
2015 International Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology, Society for Historical Archeology (Seattle-Washington, United States). Radi? Rossi I. – Bondioli M. – Nicolardi M. – Vieira de Castro F., New Developments on the Gnali? Project.
2015 Summer School ? Workshop (Dubrovnik, Croatia). Bondioli M., The account Books of a Merchantman in Late 16th Century. Bondioli M., The Shipwright’s Secret. Sources and Studies on Venetian Shipbuilding from 13th to 16th Century. Bondioli M. ? Nicolardi M., The Shipbuilding Memory.
2014 International Seminar Tripulacions i vaixells a la Mediterrània medieval: fonts i perspectives comparades des de la corona d’Aragó, Museu marítim de Barcellona. Nicolardi M. – Bondioli M., Il segreto dei proti. Fonti e studi di costruzione navale veneziana (13th-16th century).
2014 4th Mediterranean Maritime History Network Conference, Museu marítim de Barcellona. Radi? Rossi I. ? Nicolardi M. – Bondioli M. – Vieira de Castro F., Shipwreck of Gnali? – Mirror of the Renaissance Europe.
2013 International Congress Working Lives Between the Deck and the Dock: Comparative Perspectives on Sailors as International Labourers (16th?18th century) – University of Exeter (Exeter, Great Britain). Bondioli M., Staying Afloat: State Benefits for ships? officers and ?poor mariners? in Early Modern Venice.
2012 13th International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology (Amsterdam, Nederlands). Bondioli M., The Libro di navigar: a new treatise on Venetian shipbuilding from the 14th Century.
2012 II Convegno Nazionale di Archeologia, Storia, Etnologia Navale. Museo della Marineria (Cesenatico, Italy). Bondioli M., Vettor Fausto e la marina architectura del Rinascimento veneziano: i falsi miti. Bondioli M. – Capulli M. – Pellegrini A., Note storico-archeologiche sul relitto di Agropoli.
2011 3rd International Congress Ars Nautica (Dubrovnik, Croatia). Bondioli M., Introduzione all?Archeologia navale mediterranea. Bondioli M., Fattori economici di sviluppo dei Beni Culturali.
2011 International Meeting on Archaeology and Shipbuilding History (Biograd na Moru, Croatia). Bondioli M. – Nicolardi M., Le navi veneziane e il relitto di Gnali?.
2009 Conference. UNESCO (Venice, Italy). Bondioli M., The Shipwreck of San Marco in Boccalama: a proposal of recognition.
2009 International Meeting Ars Nautica. University of Zadar (Zadar, Croatia). Bondioli M., Late
mediaeval shipbuilding.
2009 Conference on Mathematics in Early Modern Culture. Renaissance Society of America (Los Angeles, United States). Bondioli M. – Campana L., Geometrical Methods in Ship Design Used by Shipbuilders in the Venetian Arsenal from the Late Middle Ages to the Renaissance.
2009 23rd International Congress of History and Science and Technology. International Union of History and Philosophy of Science Division of History of Science and Technology IUHPS/DHST (Budapest, Hungary). Bondioli M. – Campana L., Mathematics and Venetian Naval Architecture: An Analysis of the Geometrical Methods in Ship Design Used from the 14th to the 17th Century.
2009 Maritime Technology Conference. Columbia University – La Sapienza University (Rome, Italy). Bondioli M. – Nicolardi M., La memoria costruttiva.
2008 I Convegno Nazionale di Archeologia, Storia, Etnologia Navale. Museo della Marineria (Cesenatico, Italy). M. Bondioli, Il problema dello studio dell?arte della costruzione navale mediterranea nel tardo medioevo tra ricerca storica e analisi archeologica. Bondioli M. – Capulli M., Il relitto cinquecentesco della fusta veneziana di Lazise: analisi strutturale e studio sul metodo di configurazione dell?innalzamento verticale dei madieri (stellatura) mediante l?uso dei sesti.
2008 Public Talking: Bucintoro o galea? Salone Nautico (Venice, Italy).
2008 International Meeting Ships and Guns. Ca? Foscari, Venezia (Venice, Italy). Bondioli M., La capacità di controllo delle forme della nave dei maestri d’ascia veneziani tra tradizione di cantiere e innovazione tecnologica: il problema dell’introduzione dell’artiglieria a bordo delle galee (XV-XVI sec.).
2005 International Conference the World of Michael of Rhodes, Dibner Institute for the History of Science and Technology, MIT (Cambridge, Mass., United States).
2003 10th International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology. The Viking Ship Museum, Roskilde, Denmark. Beltrame C. – Bondioli M., A hypothesis on the development of Mediterranean ship construction from Antiquity to the Late Middle Ages. Bondioli M. – D’Agostino M. – Fozzati L. – Medas S. – Pizzarello U., Excavation and mapping of the hulls at San Marco in Boccalama, Venice.
2002 International Symposium on Ship Construction in Antiquity (TROPIS). Hellenic Institute for the Preservation of Nautical Tradition (Hydra, Greece). Bondioli M., The handbook of pre’ Todaro de Nicolò.
2002 11th International Congress of Maritime Museums (Grado, Italy – Pirano, Slovenia). Bondioli M. – D’Agostino M. – Fozzati L. – Medas S. – Pizzarello U., The Medieval Wrecks of San Marco in Boccalama Excavation, Venice Lagoon: Carried out Works and Coming Prospects.
2002 9th International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology. Ca? Foscari Venezia. (Venice, Italy). Bondioli M., The Arsenal of Venice and the Art of Building Ships. Bondioli M., The art of designing and building Venetian galleys from the 15th to the 16th centuries.
2001 Workshop on Shipbuilding Practice and Ship Design Methods from the Renaissance to the XVIII Century. Max Planck Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte (Berlin, Germany).
2018 Research Grant. Institute for restoration of Dubrovnik (Dubrovnik, Croatia).
2016 Research Grant. Croatian Science Foundation (Zagreb, Croatia)
2013 Research Grant. Society of Friends of Dubrovnik Antiques (Dubrovnik, Croatia).
2011-2013 Research Grant. CIMMAR (Zadar, Croatia).
2001-2005 Research Grant. The Dibner for the History of Science and Technology, MIT (Cambridge, Mass., United States).
2003 Research Grant. Consorzio Venezia Ricerche (Venice, Italy).
2002 Research Grant. Vikingeskibshallen (Roskilde, Denmark).
2001 Research Grant. Max Planck Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte (Berlin, Germany).
2011 Eugene S. Ferguson Prize (Society for the History of Technology): ?for the best reference work or edition? (The book of Michael of Rhodes).
2011 Jameson Prize (American Historical Association): ?for the best edition of a primary source important for historians? (The book of Michael of Rhodes).
2021 Radi? Rossi I. – Nicolardi M. – Bondioli M. ? Bayur K., The Shipwreck of Gnali?. A Mirror to the Renaisssance World (Oxford: Archaeopress).
2020 Bondioli M. et alii, Il Chartigatore di Nicollò Sagri, marinaro raguseo (Zadar: University of Zadar, 2020).
2019 Bondioli M. – Nicolardi M. – Radi? Rossi I., La Gagliana grossa: le curiose storie di una nave veneziana (1567-1583), in Storia dei Mediterranei. Paesi, culture e scoperte dal tardo Medioevo al 1870 (Ragusa: Ediz. Storia e Studi Sociali).
2019 Radi? Rossi I. – Bondioli M. ? Nicolardi M., In hoc Signo. I numeri romani di Punta Plovac (Plavac) e il problema dell’interpretazione dei segni di carpenteria navale, in Archeologia Marittima Mediterranea, 16: 33-58.
2019 Bondioli M., Accordo per l’arruolamento di un pilota inglese nel viaggio della nave Ragazzona da Creta all’Inghilterra, in Rialto. Centro di una ?economia mondo?. Mostra documentaria Archivio di Stato di Venezia 23 marzo 2019 (Venezia: Supernova): 56-57.
2019 Bondioli M. – Nicolardi M. – Radi? Rossi I., Alvise Papali ?conduttor? della galea da mercanzia per la scala di Spalato (1592-1596), in Pomorski Split do po?etka XX stoljeca (Split: Knji?evni Krug)
2018 Bondioli M., The Invention of the Lazarets: Bulwarks Against the Plague in Venice and in the Western Mediterranean, in Lazzaretto in Dubrovnik (Dubrovnik: Institute for Restoration of Dubrovnik): 83-102.
2017 Radi? Rossi I. – Bondioli M., I cannoni della Gagliana grossa, Gnali?, in Nel mare dell’intimità: l’archeologia subacquea racconta, (Rome: Gangemi Editore, 2017): 99.
2014 Bondioli M., The Libro di Navigar: a new treatise on Venetian shipbuilding from the 14th Century, in Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology, Amsterdam 8-12 October 2012 (Eelde: Barkhuis Publishing 2017): 215-223
2014 Radi? Rossi I. – Bondioli M. – Nicolardi M. – Brusi? Z. – Vieira de Castro F., Das “Schiffswrack von Gnali?”: Spiegel der Renaissance Europas, in Archäologie in Mittelmeer: 62-72.
2014 Radi? Rossi I. – Bondioli M. – Nicolardi M. – Vieira de Castro F., L’épave de Gnali?: miroir de l’Europe de la Renaissance, in Archéothéma, 32: 6-11.
2014 Bondioli M., Vettor Fausto e la marina architectura del Rinascimento veneziano: i falsi miti, in Atti del II Convegno Nazionale di Archeologia, Storia e Etnologia Navale, Cesenatico 13-14 April 2012 (Padova: Libreria Universitaria, 2014): 181-186.
2014 Bondioli M. – Capulli M., Il relitto cinquecentesco della fusta veneziana di Lazise: analisi strutturale e studio sul metodo di configurazione dell?innalzamento verticale dei madieri (stellatura) mediante l?uso dei sesti?, in Navis. Archeologia, storia, etnologia navale. Atti del I Convegno nazionale, 4 (Bari, Edipuglia, 2014).
2013 Radi? Rossi I. – Bondioli M. – Nicolardi M. – Brusi? Z. – ?orali? L. – Vieira de Castro F., Brodolom kod Gnali?a ? ogledalo Renesansne Europe, in Gnali?. Blago potonulog broda iz 16. stolje?a, Katalog izlo?be (Zagreb: Hrvatski povijesni muzej): 65-95.
2012 Bondioli M. – Nicolardi M., L?Arsenal de Venise, in Méditerranées des grandes cités d?hier aux hommes d?aujourd?hui. Marseille-Provence. (Paris: Gallimard, 2012).
2010 Bondioli M., Il problema dello studio dell?arte della costruzione navale mediterranea nel tardo medioevo, tra ricerca storica e analisi archeologica?, in Navis. Archeologia, storia, etnologia navale. Atti del I Convegno nazionale (Bari: Edipuglia, 2010).
2009 Bondioli M., Early shipbuilding records and the book of Michael of Rhodes, in The Book of Michael of Rhodes: A Fifteenth-Century Maritime Manuscript, (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2009)
2008 Bondioli M., L?Arsenale di Venezia nel XV secolo?, in Adriatico, 7: 69-71.
2006 Beltrame C. – Bondioli M., A hypothesis on the development of Mediterranean ship construction from Antiquity to the Late Middle Ages, in Boats, Ships and Shipyards. Proceedings of the X International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology, Roskilde 2003 (Oxford: Oxbow, 2006).
2003 Bondioli M., Galee e fuste veneziane, in Le navi della Serenissima. La ?galea? di Lazise (Venice: Marsilio, 2003).
2003 Bondioli M., The Arsenal of Venice and the Art of Building Ships?, in Boats, Ships and Shipyards. Proceedings of the IX International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology, Venice 2000 (Oxford: Oxbow, 2003).
2003 Bondioli M., The art of designing and building Venetian galleys from the 15th to the 16th Centuries, in Boats, Ships and Shipyards. Proceedings of the IX International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology, Venice 2000 (Oxford: Oxbow, 2003).
2002 Bondioli M., La galea, in La galea ritrovata. Origine delle cose di Venezia (Venezia Consorzio Venezia Nuova, 2002).
1999 Bondioli M. – Penzo G., Teodoro Baxon e Nicola Palopano proti delle galee sottili. L’influsso greco nelle costruzioni navali veneziane della prima metà del XV secolo, in Archeologia delle Acque, I, n. 2: 67-80.
1997 Bondioli M. – D?Agostino M. – Fozzati L., Lago di Garda, Lazise (VR). Relitto di nave lunga veneziana. II relazione preliminare, in Archeologia Medievale, XXIV: 145-153.
1996 Bondioli, M., L?arte della costruzione navale veneziana tra il XV e il XVI secolo: riflessioni e nuovi documenti, in Navalia. Archeologia e Storia (Savona:. The International Propeller, 1996).
1995 Bondioli M. – Burlet R. – Zysberg A., Oar Mechanics and Oar Power in Medieval and Later Galleys, in The Age of the Galley. Mediterranean oared vessels since pre-classical times (Brassey: Conway History of Ships, 1995).
Institut za pomorsku ba?tinu ? Institute for Maritime Heritage
Pa?man 34, HR-23262 Pa?man ? Tel.: +385 91 589 07 94
e-mail: [email protected] ? OIB: 06251018776