Prisoner and cell conditions
The prisoners vivevano in condizioni molto difficili, anche se, per quell?epoca erano tra le migliori. Vi era un’ apposita magistratura per la gestione del carcere, il costante controllo di un and a doctor with an allocated sickbay was always present to tend to prisoners. A priest also paid frequent visits to offer comfort to the prisoners. Unfortunately, these efforts were not enough. The condition of the prison remained very poor both for prisoners serving their sentence and for those awaiting trial.
The main problem was poor hygiene dovute al sovraffollamento delle celle, la sporcizia e l umidità. Tali condizioni igieniche facevano proliferare malattie di tutti i tipi aggravate dalla presenza di molti insetti e topi che erano un vero tormento per il carcerato, molto spesso la Imprisonment era una condanna a morte visti i bassissimi tassi di sopravvivenza in ambienti così malsani.
The prisoners slept on a bench and used a dirty bucket for a lavatory; the smell that pervaded the building was terrible. Throughout the year, the cells were periodically washed with vinegar and quick lime. The and a doctor prison doctor was obliged to pay daily visits to the prison and to prescribe drugs. If prisoners could not afford the drugs they were paid for by the state.